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What to Look For in a Physician Recruitment Firm

What to Look For in a Physician Recruitment Firm

– Serves the best interests of employers and physicians alike. A good physician recruitment firm works to balance your needs with the needs of physician candidates. A good recruitment firm eliminates negative surprises by identifying critical issues – yours and the physicians’ – and providing quality information to both sides.

Invests in your jobs. A good physician recruitment firm doesn’t hesitate to invest fully in the best available technology, resources, and personnel. This gives you a distinct edge in competing for the best available candidates.

Uses modern sourcing tools. A good physician recruitment firm keeps its sourcing tools sharp and up to date. One indispensable tool is a solid web presence. This ensures that when someone searches online for a physician job in your area, they find your openings – on the first results page. But a good recruitment firm doesn’t stop there. Its arsenal includes job boards, conventions, advertising, mailers, email campaigns, and phone campaigns.

Has a strong network. Perhaps the most valuable tool in a physician recruitment firm’s toolkit is a thriving network of physicians and employers. It’s this network that supplies up-to-the-minute information on opportunities and changes in your job market. For you, these long-term alliances mean ready access to prime candidates and a much shorter search time.

Speaks your language. A good physician recruitment firm fully understands your position requirements and knows how to interpret job descriptions to accurately match them with candidates.

Uses specialty-based recruiters. A good physician recruitment firm employs recruiters who are specialists in individual medical specialties. The better a recruiter understands your specialty, the more likely he is to find the ideal candidates for your needs.

Does all the heavy lifting. A good physician recruitment firm leaves no stone unturned to locate the best available candidates for your job openings. You should be able to count on a full-court press from your recruitment firm, no matter how challenging an opening may be to fill. A good recruitment firm knows how to create possibilities – for physician and employer alike.

Plays on your team. A good physician recruitment firm works to lessen the load on medical directors, to coordinate activities of your job search team, and to preclude duplication of effort. Your recruitment firm should take the lead to initiate team action.

Reads between the (CV) lines. A good physician recruitment firm evaluates its candidates from all perspectives – not just skill level, but personality, character, expectations, and career goals. When you accept a candidate from them, you feel confident that he’s not only been fully vetted, but is fully aware of all aspects of the opportunity he’s being presented.

Delivers. In short, a good physician recruitment firm delivers top-quality candidates.